scott waterman ink watercolor gouache paper |
Streets so steep you pray your brakes (or your knees), won’t
fail but most of Los Angeles is a big flat basin. This makes for a big sky.
Famously we have all sorts of palm trees, ridiculous enough in and of
themselves but in fact there are endless whimsical and absurd forms to see
silhouetted against our technicolor sunsets. When I first moved here I was so
taken with shapes against the sky that this became the subject of my painting
for years.
scott waterman ink watercolor gouache paper |
scott waterman ink watercolor gouache paper |
scott waterman ink watercolor gouache paper |
scott waterman ink watercolor gouache paper |
scott waterman ink watercolor gouache paper |
scott waterman ink watercolor gouache paper |
After visiting numerous times then living in L.A. for close
to fourteen years I finally made it to Watts Towers the last day of 2016. If I
was disappointed it was only because to visit inside the walled complex you
must take a guided tour of about an hour’s duration and that was just not
enough time for me. This crazy fabrication is fantastic even against a grey
wintery sky.
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