And other clichés such as "New Website Coming Soon".
Acrylic and mica powders on canvas, Scott Waterman, Hong Kong, 2001 |
Have you heard that one? I'll tell you my bête noire, probably my number one bête noire in the blogsphere is: "I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted!" I'll never write that. It's so useless and so effete I can't stand it. Please don't do that! Thank you. But I have to tell you something that I know you don't know and that is that this blog has essentially been a stand in for: New Website:Coming Soon! for all of it's existence. It's partly due to me not being sure what I wanted for a new website and partly due to Blogger giving me the ability play around with words and pictures quite easily without the aid of web development skills. So I've been going back to old projects and talking about new projects, even foretelling some projects to come on Corbu's Cave.
Acrylic and mica powders on canvas, Scott Waterman, Hong Kong, 2001 |
Acrylic and mica powders on canvas, Scott Waterman, Hong Kong, 2001 |
Acrylic and mica powders on canvas, Scott Waterman, Hong Kong, 2001
Cha cha changes are in the works. A new website is coming and I'm giving you a little taste of it here. I've gone back to Hong Kong (yet again, 1, 2, 3) and you, dear reader are getting the chance to see some never before seen shots of my octagon dining room project. These composite images will be used in a slide show and give the world yet another chance to say: yes, YES, we want you. We want that, something like that. Do it for us!
Hello, is anybody out there?