Friday, July 29, 2011


Bamo: powers out tough stains!

That's probably what you'd expect from BAMO right? But no, it's an acronym for Babey Moulton Jue and Booth and they're an architecture/design firm in San Francisco. I've worked with them on various project since their inception in the early 90s and I've mentioned them on Corbu's Cave a number of times. So this post is a bit of a retread because I am bringing up our Hong Kong job again. Fortunately I've got new pictures, so good right? I was prompted to revisit the H.K. job because I just noticed an image on the BAMO website I hadn't seen before. I'm including it here along with a few others from my collection never seen before. So there you have it.

The page from the BAMO site that  prompted this post.

I really like the casual styling of the photo.
Looks like Queen Anne's Lace on the table in lieu of some rare orchid.
How chic! Or is that reverse chic?
The key for me in designing the painting scheme was getting the ceiling figured out.
These are the initial designs for the ceiling medallion.

Here's a close and wide view showing the ceiling just after installation of my work.

The house looked like this when I left.

Another shot of the finished house from BAMO's site. Nice don't you think?

 Use the handy Google search box over there on the right. Enter BAMO or Hong Kong and you'll get more of this wonderful project, a home on the Peak in Hong Kong that I'm so happy to have been a part of. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet there for a little soirée?


  1. wonderful! it's so rewarding to see finished shots of your work, so you can see how it all relates. and what a beautiful job it is.

  2. I'm speechless. Did you use the bamboo scaffolding too?

  3. Thanks Lynn! Yeah the elements for the rest of the house were being assembled while I was there but it was a bit frustrating not being able to see it all put together in person.

    Hi Terry, No, the bamboo scaffold was only used in the stairwell. And of course it's used routinely elsewhere in construction -high-rises, everything. Anyway, my work was essentially completed at my studio in California before I even arrived in Hong Kong.

    Check out my other entries for more pictures and info on this job:

  4. Scott you astound me!! Your work is just gorgeous. Art of the highest form!


    Art by Karena

  5. Scott, your work is always an inspiration. I especially like the subtle colors of the pavillion — it has the feel of both the antique and contemporary.

  6. Thanks Mark!

    Your comments always give a lift!

  7. That's quite the house! I love the treatment you gave the dining room, with a breezy, modernized version of a formal space.
    __The Devoted Classicist

  8. Thanks John! As a devoted classicist you no doubt took note of the Greek palmette motif motif but did you realize I morphed the forms into a Yin Yang configuration thus joining East and West?

  9. The staircase is amazing. Took my breath away.



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