Friday, July 29, 2011


Bamo: powers out tough stains!

That's probably what you'd expect from BAMO right? But no, it's an acronym for Babey Moulton Jue and Booth and they're an architecture/design firm in San Francisco. I've worked with them on various project since their inception in the early 90s and I've mentioned them on Corbu's Cave a number of times. So this post is a bit of a retread because I am bringing up our Hong Kong job again. Fortunately I've got new pictures, so good right? I was prompted to revisit the H.K. job because I just noticed an image on the BAMO website I hadn't seen before. I'm including it here along with a few others from my collection never seen before. So there you have it.

The page from the BAMO site that  prompted this post.

I really like the casual styling of the photo.
Looks like Queen Anne's Lace on the table in lieu of some rare orchid.
How chic! Or is that reverse chic?
The key for me in designing the painting scheme was getting the ceiling figured out.
These are the initial designs for the ceiling medallion.

Here's a close and wide view showing the ceiling just after installation of my work.

The house looked like this when I left.

Another shot of the finished house from BAMO's site. Nice don't you think?

 Use the handy Google search box over there on the right. Enter BAMO or Hong Kong and you'll get more of this wonderful project, a home on the Peak in Hong Kong that I'm so happy to have been a part of. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all meet there for a little soirée?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Behind the Scenes

Hello Faithful Readers!

Robert Irwin's garden.

Baldessari after Dürer and Dürer

You've been to the Getty Center. You seen Robert Irwin's lush and sculptural garden installation, gazed upon gorgeous paintings by Dürer, and perhaps even found Baldessari's Specimen (After Dürer) but have you been behind the scenes? Okay, listen, stick with me. I'll take you there.

Detail of bed in the Paris exhibit.

Some bed, huh?

Photo-collage layouts for the exhibit design. 

Associated graphics for the Paris exhibit.

Yesterday my friend David called with a last minute invitation. There was a cancellation which made room for me as an interloper in an IDSA exclusive tour of the Getty Center's exhibit:Paris: Life & Luxury. The highly informative tour was followed by a behind the scenes look at the exhibit design studio. Fascinating!

Exhibit designer talking about the process.
(The photo collages are in the upper left corner of the board.)

The design department at the Getty Center

One inch to one foot scale model of the temporary galleries where "Paris" is.

What did I discover? I am the Getty. I mean my working method is so like the exhibit design department except not only do I create the design, maquettes, and graphics but I also create the finished art. How was I to know? I work in isolation. I must get out more often!

Candid shot of the design offices.

Another candid shot with detail on the right of upcoming "PST" show.

More graphics from the Pacific Standard Time exhibit.
The Paris exhibit was nice, very nice but we also got a sneak peek at an upcoming exhibit that's more up my alley: Pacific Standard Time: Art In L.A. 1945-1980. In fact Getty design is all ready for it and on to the next thing. Here in Southern California we'll be treated to more than 60 venues where the story of art in Los Angeles will unfold. I can't wait but of course I'll have to.

This sign is on the door as you leave the design department.

Until next time this is Corbu's Cave.

Please note: click on any image to enlarge it. Do follow my links, (the off colored words), for more information. Oh, and please do leave me a comment, (anything),  just so I know you're out there. Thanks! 
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