Sunday, June 23, 2013

Under a Super Moon

Out to Venice, back to L.A.,  then out to Santa Monica under a super moon. It wasn't as hectic as it sounds and in the evening a real treat. The occasion: a gathering of artists and enthusiasts for dinner, drinks, discussion, and a slide talk by one of the art world's slightly anachronistic painters, Julie Heffernan

A splendid mature mimosa strung with lights.

Jon Swihart and Kim Merrill, both artists, generously open their home for these gatherings if you're on the list. I guess I'm on the list now and am glad to be. I only found out about it a few days ago when I was referencing Julie Heffernan's work in conversation to a fellow RISD alum whom I'd also just met. There are no coincidences some say.

Jon Swihart's studio. A miniature portrait of Don Bachardy on the easel.

The artist collects, more of Jon's studio.

Julie Heffernan's painting (slide detail) and her own silhouette on the left.

So the summer officially begins with a lovely gathering of humans under a flowering mimosa tree strung with paper lanterns.

Through the porte cochere under a super moon and home.

And what's happening in your neck of the woods?

Thursday, June 6, 2013


DSC05404 by scott_waterman
DSC05404, a photo by scott_waterman on Flickr.
Recently in my studio and more on my Flickr account. Yeah.
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