I have a project coming up where I'll be painting a porch floor. The location is a rural retreat in Ojai. That's: Oh, hi! It's going to be a pattern and I think I will use natural objects on the property as inspiration: twigs, leaves, stones, insects maybe, things like that. Years ago I painted a chest for myself and I think the floor will be similar.

Before I painted my own chest (see above) I did one for a client (see below). Leta Foster, the designer who commissioned the work, said it was her favorite object in the whole project. With that I had to do one for myself, although, I almost think I like the commissioned one better.

On the other hand if I were to paint one for myself today I think it would be more like another commissioned chest I painted. It's a BAMO project and like them it's cool and Modern and a little exotic which is more my mood these days.

What are you thinking about right now?